May, 17th 2019
09:00 - 18:00
Novotel Hotel (Madrid)
Normal rate: 355€
Students and SOCE Members: 240€
(*) Reduced rate until April, 15th 2019
Clinical Cases
7 months
12 months
8 months
24 months
Dr. David González Zamora
Nº Col. 28006443
- Dr. David Gonzalez Zamora is an orthodontist who lives and works in Madrid, Spain.
- He received his dental degree at the European University of Madrid (UEM). Subsequently, he completed a Master’s Degree in Orthodontic and Dentofacial orthopedics at the Mississippi University Institution. He has been a Professor at the Alfonso X El Sabio University Orthodontics Master’s Degree in Madrid for six year (2005-2011), as well as Professor at the Orthodontics Master’s Degree of the European University of Madrid (2009-2012).
- For the past nine years (2002-2011) he has been the President of New Technologies Committee at the Official College of Odonatologists and Stemmatologist of the 1st Region. Currently a member of the Spanish Society of Computerized Dentistry. He also has a great experience as speaker at international and national conferences about digital orthodontics.
In Order to complete the registration, please, pay the registration fee by bank transfer and send proof of payment through this form or email to:
- Bank Account Holder: Clínica Smilodon S.L.P.
- IBAN: ES25 0182 7277 1802 0851 2667
- Concept: Atendee Name
Cancellation Policy
Refund requests will be paid by subtracting the cancellation fee depending on when we receive the notice:
- Up to 30 days before the start of the course: -15%.
- 30 to 15 days before the start of the course: -50%.
- Up to 14 days before the start of the course: -100%
Denominación social: CLINICA SMILODON, S.L.P.U.
Denominaciones comerciales: ORTODONCIA MADRID
CLINICA SMILODON, S.L.P. – NIF nº B86028461 – Dirección postal: AVDA. ROSA REGAS, 3 – LOCAL – 28907 GETAFE (MADRID) – Teléfono: 914 914 027 – Correo electrónico:
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